Dr Mark Strahan
BMBS (Flinders) BSc (Hons) (UWA) FRACS (Plast)
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
CTEC Platinum Convenor
Convenor of CTEC's Core Skills: Microsurgical Skills for Theatre Nurses Workshop
Dr Strahan qualified as a surgeon in 2009. He works in the public health system at Fiona Stanley, Armadale and Bentley hospitals and has private rooms in South Perth. He is Director of Surgery at Bentley Hospital and was involved in the development of the Plastics Department at Fiona Stanley Hospital.
His fields of expertise are hand surgery, skin cancers and trauma and he spent 12 months in the UK honing these skills.
Dr Strahan is married with three children and enjoys all forms of sport. He rode in the Sun Super Ride to Conquer Cancer in October 2013. He spent the first two weeks in September 2014 in Laos operating on disadvantaged adults and children, funded by the organisation Interplast, and was invited back in 2015.