Core Skills: Gynaecological Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy and Open Surgery


CTEC and King Edward Memorial Hospital have collaborated to provide a unique opportunity for trainees in Gynaecologic Surgery. The Core Skills: Gynaecologic Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy and Open Surgery workshop is aimed at those in the first few years of specialist training who have demonstrated basic surgical skills and wish to improve their anatomical knowledge and develop their clinical procedural and surgical skills.

Suitable for: CORE 1-4 RANZCOG Trainees and Advanced RANZCOG Trainees. Limited places for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant.


Available (doctor) Available (nurse)
Friday, 6 June 2025


This innovative and intensive full day cadaveric workshop is  designed to assist participants in acquiring the skills associated with competency in clinical practice.  Workshop sessions reflect Trainee clinical skills requirements outlined in the FRANZCOG Curriculum. The workshop focuses on technical and non-technical skills, using a combination of peer to peer learning and expert demonstration in an interactive environment. 

Workshop Content

The workshop consists of morning and afternoon practical cadaveric sessions.  Both feature 100% hands-on content.  There will be two participants and one facilitator per station. 

Morning Practical Cadaveric Surgical Session:

  • Hysteroscopy - peer learning and teaching, practical tips and tricks from the experts covering: stack setup and troubleshooting, care of the equipment; diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy practical - peer learning and teaching, practical tips and tricks from the experts, patient selection, entry techniques and port site planning 
  • Hysterectomy practical - laparoscopic hysterectomy step by step, restoring anatomy, round ligament, IP ligament, bladder reflection, uterines, colpotomy and closure

Afternoon Practical Cadaveric Surgical Session:

  • Laparoscopic pelvic side wall and pelvic floor dissections and uterolysis
  • Caveus Retzius dissection
  • Laparotomy: Adhesiolysis, retroperitoneal dissection and evisceration


  • Demonstrations: Mid-urethral sling principles and practice and sacrospinous fixation

Workshop Inclusions

  • Fresh frozen human cadaveric dissection
  • Places are limited to 8 to maximise practical learning time


2025 Fees

WA Participant: $1190

Non-WA Participant: $1370 


COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants

CTEC Terms & Conditions


Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.


Accreditations or CPD Approvals

Reapproval will be sought with the RANZCOG CPD Program for 2025.


"Clinically relevant anatomy very instructive."
"All aids and facilitators were excellent. "
"The focus on hands-on was very useful as a Trainee. "
"A good demonstration of surgical anatomy! Great having gynae-oncology consultants to provide advice on dissection techniques and anatomy. "
- 2024 Workshop Participants


The University of Western Australia
Entrance No.2 Hackett Drive, Crawley
Perth, Western Australia

For more information contact

John Linehan
Senior Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8049

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