Robotic surgery represents a major international technological advancement in the treatment of patients with colorectal disease. CTEC’s unique new Core Skills: Robotic and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery workshop is a highly practical one and a half day cadaveric workshop. It will provide WA based and Australian doctors with vital exposure to new robotic technology, together with the latest laparoscopic techniques. Participants will perform da Vinci robotic-assisted colorectal surgery and laparoscopic colorectal procedures.
The workshop aims to introduce participants to techniques in robotic colorectal surgery and new laparoscopic techniques. This cadaveric workshop will also feature pre-reading, presentations and discussions, whilst allowing sufficient time for hands-on skills training on robotic and laparoscopic devices in a supportive environment.
Device Technologies can provide Australian workshop registrants the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the da Vinci system prior to attending the workshop via a hands-on test drive and simulation. CTEC Senior Course Coordinator John Linehan will provide further information to participants about scheduling a test drive upon registration.
In the workshop participants will be paired on laparoscopic stations and all will rotate through four stations including one da Vinci robotic surgical station.
Workshop Content:
Day 1 (Full Day Session) Advances in Laparoscopic Colorectal Techniques & Introduction to Robotic Surgery:
- New advances in laparoscopic techniques
- Right and left colonic mobilisation
- Use of technology - advanced stapling, use of ICG
- Intra-corporeal anastomosis techniques
- “Off midline” midline extraction techniques
- Introduction to robotics - use in colonic resection
- Right hemi-colectomy (laparoscopic and robotic approach)
- Anterior resection (laparoscopic and robotic approach)
- Anterior resection / Ventral Mesh Retropexy
Followed by the Day 1 Educational Evening Session
This educational session at The University Club of Western Australia provides participants with an in-depth overview of Day 2's robotic surgical training program.
Day 2 (Morning Session): Advanced Robotic Surgery Overview and Practical Sessions:
- Focus on robotic techniques
- Port positioning for pelvic surgery
- Introduction to robotic LAR / ULAR
Workshop Inclusions
- Pre-reading
- Refreshments and meals for both Day 1 and Day 2
- Fully Catered Day 1 Educational Evening Session
2024 Fees
WA Participant: $2000
Non-WA Participant: $2200
Observer: $175
Theatre Nurses: Free of charge (Nurse places FULL)
COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants
Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances
The University of Western Australia
Entrance No. 2 Hackett Drive
Crawley Western Australia 6009
For more information contact
John Linehan
Senior Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8049