Core Skills: Vascular Surgery Workshop


The Core Skills: Vascular Surgery Workshop provides Vascular and General Surgical Trainees and suitably credentialled rural surgical practitioners the opportunity to learn new skills in a range of vascular surgery procedures. It is a full-day hands on cadaveric workshop with a focus on surgical dissection, which commences with vascular anastomosis on animal tissue before progression to cadaveric vascular exposures.  

Suitable for: Vascular and General Surgery SET Trainees, GSET Trainees at Level 1 and above and suitably credentialed rural surgical practitioners., IMGs under supervision or progressing towards an alternative pathway to FRACS. Limited positions available for Unaccredited Registrars with strong surgical experience and an interest in Vascular Surgery, for Observers and assistant Theatre Nurses.


Available (observer) Sold out (doctor) Sold out (nurse)
Friday, 14 March 2025

Participant places FULL.  Theatre Nurse Assistant places FULL. Observer places available.



The workshop aims to enhance participants' knowledge and technical skills in emergency surgery. It provides a rare opportunity to gain anatomical knowledge in open vascular surgical procedures.  It utilises a combination of pre-reading, discussion and dissection.

Workshop Content

Anatomy relating to:

  • the neck
  • the abdomen
  • the femoral triangle

Prior to each procedure there will be an anatomy short session and a brief discussion of specific objectives to be reached.

The following procedures will be demonstrated and performed:

  • Exposure of the common carotid artery and its bifurcation +/- patch closure
  • Approaches to the infra-renal aorta and its branches
  • Aortic grafting
  • Vascular exposure in the femoral triangle proceeding to high saphenous ligation and profundaplasty
  • Benchtop anastomotic techniques using porcine aorta
  • Below knee amputation (subject to availability of cadaveric material)

2025 Fee

WA Participant:  $1280
Non-WA Participant: $1470
Observers: $175
Theatre Nurse: Free of charge - limited places

COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants

Terms and Conditions

Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Accreditations or CPD Approvals

Attaining 8 hours of Continuing Professional Development. Accepted by the AMA's CPD Home as an Educational Activity: General Learning - 8 hours.


"Great course. Very hands-on which was the reason for coming."
"The faculty were hands-on with targeted and direct learning. "
"The dissection was invaluable and not seen with any other course."
"Really supportive faculty, excellent instructor to student ratio."
"I am very confident with anastomosis and carotid exposure now."
- 2024 Workshop Participants


The University of Western Australia
Entrance No.2 Hackett Drive, Crawley
Perth, Western Australia

For more information contact

John Linehan
Senior Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8049

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