The Cutting Edge: Advanced Skin Procedures


The highly popular Cutting Edge: Advanced Skin Procedures is a unique hands-on cadaveric skills training workshop featuring expert faculty in General Practice and Plastic Surgery.

Suitable for: GPs skilled in surgery with access to appropriate levels of equipment and operating facilities. It is of particular relevance for rural GP Proceduralists. Limited positions available for Observers and for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant.


Available (doctor) Available (nurse) Available (observer)
Friday, 25 July 2025


This workshop is aimed at GPs with a higher than average level of skill in surgery who have access to appropriate levels of equipment and operating facilities. It is of particular relevance for rural GP proceduralists. It does not provide certification of competence in any of the procedures outlined and practised.


Workshop Content

Demonstration and Practical Sessions:

  • Excision of skin lesions with focus on safe margins for malignancy
  • Planning excisions on face and neck, ears, eyelids, lips, inner canthus and nose - including wedge excisions, nostril margins and options for closure

Surgical excision and closure:

  • Rotation advancement flap
  • V-Y advancement flap 
  • Transposition flap
  • Wedge excision of the lip

Surgical repair and closure:

  • Eyelid lacerations
  • Ear lacerations

Skin graft:

  • Split skin graft
  • Full thickness skin graft

Management of lesions on the:

  • Tip of the nose
  • Nostril margin
  • Ear

The workshop also features presentations on lesion assessment, surgical planning and post operative management of skin flaps and grafts. 

Training Grants:
The Australian Government is offering training grants of $2000 per day to rural and remote procedural and emergency medicine GPs to maintain their respective skills. Reaccreditation in the Training Grant Program will be sought for the 2020-2022 Triennium.  For further information about the grants contact:
RACGP National Rural Faculty
1800 636 764


Workshop Inclusions

  • Online pre-reading
  • Fresh frozen human cadaveric dissection
  • Didactic sessions


2025 Fee

WA Participant: $1840
Non-WA Based Participant: $2120
Observer: $175 - limited places
Theatre Nurse: Free of charge - limited places

COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants

CTEC Terms & Conditions

Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.





Accreditations or CPD Approvals

This workshop is an approved activity in the RACGP CPD Program for the 2023-2025 Triennium. It is approved for 2.5 hours in Educational Activities and 5 hours in Reviewing Performance. This workshop is eligible for a 1 Day Rural Procedural Grant in Surgery.
Reapproval in the RACGP's CPD Program will be sought for the 2023-2025 Triennium. Approved in the ACRRM CPD Program for 7.5 Core PDP hours in the Learning Areas of Dermatology, Surgery and Procedural Skills. Eligible for a 1 day Procedural Grant in Surgery.


"A good teacher to student ratio..... awesome equipment. "
"The senior staff and teachers were absolutely lovely and (the workshop has) really enhanced the quality of (my) work."
"(I valued) the opportunities to ask for advice and the excellent surgical material and equipment. "
"Everything was super relevant."
- 2024 Workshop Participants


The University of Western Australia
Entrance No.2
Hackett Drive, Crawley
Perth, Western Australia

For more information contact

Elisha Thompson
Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8695

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