The Cutting Edge: Practical ED Skills


CTEC’s Cutting Edge: Practical ED Skills Workshop is an intensive hands-on skills training workshop utilising synthetic, live participant and animal tissue teaching models. It is of particular relevance for rural GPs, GP Registrars and Advanced Scope Nurse Practitioners, especially those working in hospital emergency settings.

Suitable for: Rurally based GPs, GP Registrars and Advanced Scope Nurse Practitioners, particularly those working in emergency settings.


Available (doctor) Available (nurse)
Friday, 17 October 2025


The workshop focuses on a range of procedures encountered in rural hospital emergency settings.  It focuses on the fundamentals of emergency medicine ultrasonography with practical stations utilising live participant models, emergency access techniques, chest drainage and proctoscopy.

It aims to assist participants in gaining confidence in skills essential to improved health outcomes in rural and remote acute care patients. 



Presentation and Practical Session - Live Participant Basic Ultrasound Scanning:

  • Ultrasound safety talk, terminology and definitions
  • Scan plans (sagittal, transverse, oblique) image orientation
  • Patient positioning
  • Generic knobology applicable to ultrasound equipment
  • Cannulation under ultrasound
  • Arterial line and central line
  • Seldinger Technique - wire technique

Presentation and Practical Session
- Access Techniques Practical:

  • EZIO
  • Ultrasound guided central venous catheter

- Chest Drainage

  • Intercostal catheter insertion
  • Needle decompression of pneumothorax

Presentation and Practical Session - Proctoscopy and Rigid Sigmoidoscopy Utilising Animal Tissue and Synthetic Models:

  • Patient positioning
  • Proctoscopy assembly including sigmoidoscopy
  • Digital examination 
  • Anorectal foreign body retrieval


The Australian Government is offering training grants of $2000 per day to rural and remote procedural and emergency medicine GPs to maintain their respective skills.  

For further information about the grants contact:

RACGP National Rural Faculty
1800 636 764


2025 Fee

WA General Practitioners and Advanced Scope Nurse Practitioners $1140
Non-WA General Practitioner and Advanced Scope Nurse Practitioners: $1310


COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants

CTEC Terms & Conditions

Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Accreditations or CPD Approvals

This workshop is an approved activity in the RACGP CPD Program for the 2023-2025 Triennium. It is approved for 1.5 hours in Educational Activities and 6.5 hours in Reviewing Performance. This workshop is eligible for a 1 Day Rural Procedural Grant in Emergency.
This workshop is approved in the ACRRM CPD Program for 8.5 Core PDP hours - 7.5 hours in Educational Activity and 1 hour in Outcome Measurement. It is approved for the following MOPS hours - 3 in Emergency Medicine, 6 in Radiology and 3 in Surgery.


"A really enjoyable course. Friendly, knowledgeable and approachable faculty. Thank you. "
"I learn well by hands-on (practise). The whole day was relevant and well worth attending..... my main reason was the ultrasound skills (component.)"
"There was plenty of hands-on tasks with relevant presentations that were to the point."
"All staff were approachable, helpful and amazing. "
- 2024 Workshop Participants


The University of Western Australia
Entrance No.2, Hackett Drive 
Crawley, Perth, Western Australia

For more information contact

Elisha Thompson
Senior Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8695

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