JDocs: Foundations of Minimal Access Surgery


JDocs: Foundations of Minimal Access Surgery is a highly interactive workshop aimed at increasing participant knowledge and familiarity with the physiology, basic techniques and skills required for minimal access surgery.

Suitable for: Interns, Resident Medical Officers and Unaccredited Registrars. Limited places available for Rural Generalists who may be required to assist on laparoscopic surgeries at rural and remote hospitals.


Available (doctor)
Thursday, 26 June 2025
Available (doctor)
Thursday, 4 September 2025


This workshop features case discussion with demonstration videos and demonstrations on laparoscopic suturing models. 

The program allows sufficient time for practising skills and features pre and post-workshop self assessed proficiency exercises.

Practical sessions feature a dedicated work station for each participant, with assistance provided  by a medical student camera operator. 

Workshop Content

The workshop focuses on the following areas:

  • Laparoscopic set-up; equipment and instrumentation
  • Trouble shooting in theatre 
    - equipment 
    - patient physiological changes
  • Patient positioning and entry techniques
  • Laparoscopic ergonomics 
    - Managing operator fatigue
    - Visual axis
    - Body ergonomics: working in a team and giving direction in theatre
  • Pre and post-procedure practical skills assessment

Practical Stations:

  • Port placement and entry
  • Laparoscopic skill exercises with self assessed proficiency
    - Two-handed transfer
    - 2D precision and coordination task
    - Counter-traction task
    - Two-layer dissection
  • Tissue dissection using electrosurgery (monopolar and bipolar)
  • Extracorporeal knot tying: endoscopic loop formation and application


Training Grant

The Australian Government is offering training grants of $2000 per day to rural and remote procedural and emergency medicine GPs to maintain their respective skills. 

Please contact:

RACGP National Rural Faculty 
1800 636 764  


Workshop Inclusions

  • Practical stations
  • Didactic sessions
  • All meals and refreshments
  • Limited places to maximise practical learning time


2025 Fee

WA Participant: $650
Non-WA Participant: $750


COVID-19 Information for Workshop Participants

CTEC Terms & Conditions

Workshop content, date and convenors may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.

Accreditations or CPD Approvals

Reaccreditation in the RACGP CPD Program will be sought for the 2023-2025 Triennium.
Accepted by the AMA's CPD Home as an Educational Activity: General Learning - 8 hours.


"Great teaching and practice, very relevant to real life applications. "
"Great instructors, very experienced and helpful. "
"My confidence in laparoscopy certainly improved due to familiarity with equipment and the ability to practise for a few hours. "
"This workshop made me feel more confident in what I do in theatre."
- 2024 Workshop Participants


The University of Western Australia
Entrance No.2
Hackett Drive, Crawley
Perth, Western Australia

For more information contact

Elisha Thompson
Course Coordinator
T +61 8 6488 8695
E elisha.thompson@uwa.edu.au

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