Advanced Vascular Surgery: Anatomical Approaches Workshop ( SET 4 and above Trainees and Consultants in Vascular Surgery, IMGs. Limited places available for Observers and assistant Theatre Nurses.)
Advanced GI Endoscopy Workshop (Trainees and Consultants in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy and General Surgeons with Conjoint Committee Certification for endoscopic procedures.)
Australian Regional Anaesthesia & Cadaveric Ultrasound Seminar (Anaesthetists - Registrars and Consultants - and GP Anaesthetists )
Chest Wall Perforator Flap Workshop (Fellows and Junior Consultants in Oncoplastic Surgery)
Core Skills: Plastic Surgery Lower Limb Workshop (This workshop is designed as two concurrent full day Trainee Sessions. Junior Trainee Session: Plastic Surgery Unaccredited Registrars & Junior SET Trainees in Plastic Surgery. Senior Trainee Session: For Senior SET Trainees and Fellows)
Core Skills: Abdominal Wall Hernia (General Surgery Trainees SET 1-3. Limited places available for Unaccredited Registrars who have made substantial progress towards successful application for GSET and for assistant Theatre Nurses.)
Core Skills: ENT Facial Plastic Surgery Workshop (RACS Surgical Trainees, Fellows and Junior Consultants in ENT and Plastic Surgery. Limited Observer positions and free of charge assistant Theatre Nurse positions are also available. )
Core Skills: ENT Sinus Surgery Workshop (RACS Trainees, Fellows and Junior Consultants in ENT Surgery. Limited Observer and free of charge assistant Theatre Nurse positions available. )
Core Skills: Gynaecological Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy and Open Surgery (CORE 1-4 RANZCOG Trainees and Advanced RANZCOG Trainees. Limited places for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant.)
Core Skills: Intermediate Laparoscopic Skills Workshop (Unaccredited Registrars, Junior SET Trainees and Core Training GSET Trainees Levels 1-3. )
Core Skills: Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery (Unaccredited Registrars, Junior SET Trainees in General Surgery and Junior GSET Trainees. IMGs under supervision or progressing to an alternative pathway to FRACS.)
Core Skills: Level 2 Oncoplastic Surgery Workshop (Plastic Surgeons and Consultants in General/Breast Surgery and Fellows and Senior SET Trainees in Plastic Surgery or General/Breast Surgery. Limited positions are available for Observers and for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant.)
Core Skills: Microsurgical Skills and Anastomotic Techniques (Limited places for Unaccredited Registrars with an interest in microsurgery. )
Core Skills: Microsurgical Skills for Theatre Nurses (Theatre Nurses and Nurses Assisting on Plastics, ENT, Eye Surgeries and Neurosurgeries )
Core Skills: Plastic Surgery Head, Neck and Flaps Workshop (Limited places for Unaccredited Registrars. This workshop is not suitable for Junior Doctors below the level of Unaccredited Registrar. Limited places for Observers and assistant Theatre Nurses.)
Core Skills: Plastic Surgery Upper Limb Workshop (Junior and Senior Trainees and Unaccredited Registrars with an interest in Plastic Surgery. IMGs under supervision or progressing towards an alternative pathway to FRACS. Limited Theatre Nurse positions are available.)
Core Skills: Robotic and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery (This workshop is not suitable for Junior Trainees.)
Core Skills: Vascular Surgery Workshop (Vascular and General Surgery SET Trainees, GSET Trainees at Level 1 and above and suitably credentialed rural surgical practitioners.)
Core Skills: Workshop in Neck Dissection for Thyroid Carcinoma (Consultants, Fellows, RMOs, Unaccredited Registrars & SET Trainees in Endocrine, General and Head & Neck Surgery. IMGs under supervision or progressing towards an alternative pathway to FRACS.)
Critical Care Procedures Workshop (FACEM qualified Consultants. Rural and Remote General Practitioners at FRACGP and FACRRM level will be considered. )
Emergency Trainee Procedures Workshop (ACEM Late Phase Advanced Trainees and Peri-Fellowship Registrars)
General Surgery Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Limited places for Unaccredited Registrars and Resident Medical Officers. )
Generic Surgical Sciences Training Course (Junior Doctors - Interns, RMOs and Unaccredited Registrars - especially those aiming to sit the GSSE in February 2025)
GI Skills Training: Endoscopy Nurse Training Workshop (Western Australian Endoscopy Nurses - Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses)
Introductory Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (This workshop is suitable for Gastroenterology Trainees and GSET/SET 4-5 Trainees in General Surgery)
JDocs: Emergency Airways (Junior Doctors - Interns, Resident Medical Officers and Unaccredited Registrars. It is highly relevant for those interested in applying for anaesthetics, ED, ICU and surgical specialties.)
JDocs: Emergency Procedures (Junior Doctors - Interns, Resident Medical Officers and Unaccredited Registrars. It is highly relevant for those interested in applying for anaesthetics, ED, ICU and surgical specialties.)
JDocs: Foundations of Minimal Access Surgery (Interns, Resident Medical Officers and Unaccredited Registrars. Limited places available for Rural Generalists who may be required to assist on laparoscopic surgeries at rural and remote hospitals. )
JDocs: Introduction to Surgical Skills (Junior Doctors - Interns, Resident Medical Officers & Unaccredited Registrars.)
Laparoscopic Anatomy of Complications Workshop (This workshop is limited to 12 participants and is primarily aimed at Consultants in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Participants must operate at RANZCOG/AGES Level 4 or above and should have previously completed an open Anatomy of Complications Workshop.)
The Anatomy of Complications Workshop (This workshop is limited to 18 participants and is primarily aimed at Consultants in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Trainees at Level 4 and above in the FRANZCOG Core Training Program.)
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Hand Surgery for GPs (GPs with a higher than average level of skill in surgery, with access to appropriate levels of equipment and operating facilities. Of particular relevance to rural emergency GPs and GP Proceduralists. Limited Observer positions are available.)
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Procedures (Limited positions for Observers, and for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant, are available. )
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Skin Procedures (GPs skilled in surgery with access to appropriate levels of equipment and operating facilities. It is of particular relevance for rural GP Proceduralists. Limited positions available for Observers and for Theatre Nurses in the role of assistant.)
The Cutting Edge: Emergency Procedures (General Practitioners and GP Registrars. Limited participant places for Nurse Practitioners. Theatre Nurses are welcome in the role of assisting the GPs (places free of charge). Limited places are available for Observers.)
The Cutting Edge: Essential Surgical Skills (General Practitioners, GP Registrars and Nurse Practitioners )
The Cutting Edge: Introductory Wound Suturing (General Practitioners, GP Registrars, GP Trainees, Nurse Practitioners, Emergency Department Nurses and Paramedics)
The Cutting Edge: Managing Skin & Soft Tissue Injuries (GPs, GP Proceduralists, GP Registrars and GP Trainees )
The Cutting Edge: Peripheral Nerve Block (Emergency Physicians, Anaesthetists, General Practitioners, Emergency Department Nurses and Nurse Practitioners)
The Cutting Edge: Practical ED Skills (Rurally based GPs, GP Registrars and Advanced Scope Nurse Practitioners, particularly those working in emergency settings.)
The Cutting Edge: Practice Nurse Skills Training Workshop (Newly graduated nurses, nurses new to the role of procedural assisting, nurses seeking to update their skills and those seeking a position in a General Practice.)
The Cutting Edge: Proceduralist Obstetrics and Gynaecological Skills (GP Proceduralists, GP Obstetricians, particularly medical practitioners with a DRANZCOG qualification. Limited places are available for King Edward Memorial Hospital Registrars in Gynaecological Surgery. )